Windham Youth Football teams will soon begin their fall season with registration ending Aug. 16 for tackle football for grades three through eight. Registration for flag football is open until Aug. 30. PHOTO BY GINA KOSTOPOULOS |
Matt Pascarella
fall sports season is right around the corner, and with it comes the many
Windham youth sports opportunities the town has to offer. Currently,
registration is open for the Windham Youth Soccer Association (WYSA), Windham
Youth Football and Cheering (WYFC) and the Windham Youth Volleyball Association
Youth Football & Cheering
for cheerleading, kindergarten through eighth grade; tackle football, grades
three to eight ends Aug. 16
football for kindergarten through second grade registration ends Aug. 30. To
register visit: windhamyouthfootball.sportngin.com/
goal of Youth Football and Cheering is to teach the skills of football or
cheering while promoting good sportsmanship and helping the participants to
develop a sense of teamwork. Flag football is available for kindergarten
through second grade for $75.
grade through eighth grade students can participate in tackle football.
for third grade through sixth grade is $120. Teams are grouped by grade
with two teams at each level and each team is a mix of both grade levels.
Girls are welcome to play tackle football.
grade through sixth grade tackle football include a game shirt and mouth guard.
Helmets, shoulder pads, black padded football pants, practice shirt, and cleats
are not included. Helmets can be rented for $40 with $20 refunded upon return
of the helmet.
for tackle football for grades seven and eight is $150 and include a game
shirt, pants as well as practice shirt and pants. Helmets, shoulder pads,
padded football girdle (shorts with hip pads and tailbone pads for under
football pants) and cleats are not included.
is open to kindergarten through eighth grade with only sneakers needed for
participation. Registration is $65.
Covid restrictions are currently in place. WYFC understands that could change
and are prepared with an alternate plan if necessary.
do not have to wear masks at this point but is subject to any change.
assistance is available, volunteer hours required. WYFC ask people who get
financial assistance to volunteer for a few hours in the Snapshot or as a
team parent.
football coaches are still needed.
questions contact Jason Farley
at dvm_sports@yahoo.com
Youth Soccer Association
ends Aug. 13. To register visit: www.windhamyouthsoccer.com
goal of Windham Youth Soccer Association is to provide a fun environment for
the development of youth soccer players. The In-House soccer program is
available for ages four to 12 and is $80 for the fall. In-House only plays
games at Gambo Field in Windham.
for the travel program is currently closed.
also offers the Little Eagles program for two to three-year-old players for
$55. Uniforms are included for both In-House and Little Eagles. A ball is
included for Little Eagles. Financial aid is available.
has established Covid protocols based on current recommendations from the state
of Maine and Center for Disease Control.
this point in time, players are not required to wear masks when playing
outdoors, though can if they choose to do so. Unvaccinated coaches are required
to wear a mask.
questions contact Jason Weatherby at jasonweatherby@hotmail.com
Youth Volleyball Association
ends Sept.10. To register visit: www.windhamyouthvolleyball.com
goal of Windham Youth Volleyball is to be a starting point for younger kids who
wish to play the sport in high school and beyond. This program is a club team
for middle school players, grades six to eight.
coach Chuck Fleck said if your child is serious about volleyball and would like
to someday play at the college level, it’s best to start in middle school.
Anyone from RSU 14 or other districts are encouraged to join.
WYVBA season runs parallel to the fall sports season with practices held daily
in the Windham Middle School gym. Once the basics are learned, competitions
with other area middle schools begin.
The cost is $90 for the season, plus $20 for a personalized team
jersey. Jerseys can be used from season to season and financial aid is
available on a case-by-case basis.
only equipment needed is indoor court shoes, kneepads, and a positive attitude.
there is a Covid protocol in place at the start of the season, WYVBA will
follow the decision made by RSU 14 Superintendent Chris Howell.
interested, Windham Youth Volleyball has coaching and board member positions
questions contact Chuck Fleck at
wyvba.maine@yahoo.com <