Windham’s varsity baseball team conducted its final week of a youth baseball clinic at Windham High School on Sunday, March 23 and called it a success as both varsity and younger players gear up for exciting seasons.
Windham fifth grader Jacoby Penney keeps his focus on the ball while in the batting cage at Windham High School during the Windham Youth Baseball Clinic on Sunday, March 23. PHOTO BY MATT PASSCARELLA |
“To practice and get better for a new season is why I’m here,” said Windham fifth-grader Alex McGonagle. “It helps me to get better and more in shape for the new season. I’ve learned how to control the ball more and hit better. I’ve learned how to just scoop the ball up when you’re running. It feels like you are one of the varsity players when practicing with them – my dream is to play varsity – they inspire me so much that I want to pursue my career in baseball and become a Major League Baseball player. Thanks to the community for letting us come here and learn so much.”
The youth clinic was broken up into three sections: infield/outfield, pitching and hitting.
“The goal of the clinic is it goes right in line with the culture and perspective of our program so we’re trying to build everything from the ground up,” said Windham High varsity baseball coach Chris Doughty. “That starts with T-ball, AA, AAA, Little League, Middle School until eventually they make it to the end goal for us which is them being at the varsity level.”
The varsity team emphasizes their culture, making sure younger players have characteristics of what they want in their program like positive attitude, hustle and good character.
When Doughty first started participating in these clinics three years ago, they had 30 kids sign up, and this year there were about 70 kids who participated.
Doughty said Windham baseball is on people’s minds, and they want to be a part of what the varsity program is doing and that starts at the youth level.
“I need the extra help to get better and I’m learning new fundamentals and skills to be just as good when the baseball season starts up,” said Windham fifth-grader Jacoby Penney. “I’m working towards playing varsity baseball.”
It's good life experience for varsity players and Doughty tells them before every single clinic that the younger kids look up to them. “You’re their heroes, talk to them, instruct, but most importantly give them your time because that goes a long way,” he said.
Doughty wants them to remember what it felt like when varsity players were young and a varsity player worked with them, and how cool that felt.
“It gives us a chance to give out our knowledge to these younger players and it boosts our program as a whole and teaches these kids essential lessons that they need starting out,” said Windham varsity senior Joshua Plummer. “The idea is we teach them what we know and by the time they are our age, they’ll already be ahead of the game. This helps us with our game the way we field the ball ... it’s good to teach them the things that I know. It feels great to be able to share knowledge in a sport that I know and am passionate about – this is a really fun thing for me; I really enjoy working with these kids.”
It's been a great six weeks for the varsity players and the coaches. Participants have seen steady improvement in at least one area of a youth player’s game.
Varsity players say that it feels great for the team to be able to give back to the community. <