Much of the work and efforts each year
is spent on landowner relations. With
the growth of the town comes new landowners and development. In order to keep the trails open, the club
contacts each landowner annually to gain permission for access. As many clubs are aware, landowner relations
are critical to the success of the club.
The State of Maine recognizes the importance of landowner relations and
work with clubs to retain access.
One way the state has improved relations
is by creating the annual “Landowner Appreciation Day”. The day was created to clean up illegal dump
sites throughout the state. This year it
happened on Sept. 18th. Four
members of the WDSC participated in the event.
Members cleaned up sites on land owned by Phinney Lumber and Central
Maine Power Co.
The photo shows the approximately 9
cubic yards of illegally dumped items that were gathered along the Windham
Drifters trail system.
The state provides sites for clubs and
organizations to bring the illegally dumped items and it is managed by the
Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Deptartment.
The thought behind the day is to create good relations between the
landowners and the people who use their land.
The Windham Drifters also show thanks to
the landowners in Windham by organizing an annual “Landowner Dinner”. The club provides a free dinner at a local
restaurant to all Windham landowners that allow a club trail on their
property. This year’s dinner was
provided by the Deck House in North Windham on Saturday November 5th. These dinners give the club an opportunity to
build relationships with the landowners and discuss issues they may have
involving the trails. Every dinner is
always a success!
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