As COVID-19 puts so many things in jeopardy, Maine’s
Interscholastic Management Committee (IMC) and the Maine Principal’s
Association (MPA) Sports Medicine Committee met on May 7 to determine what the
next steps might be as summer athletics begin winding up and we begin thinking
about the fall season.
Through June 13, what would be the end of the 2020 season,
the MPA recommends coaches communicate with athletes in their programs to
remain active and continue a healthy lifestyle.
Starting June 14 through July 5, virtual contact between
coaches will be allowed. However, coaches cannot provide sport-specific
recommendations regarding an athlete’s workout.
The two week ‘hands-off’ period in which coaches are not
allowed to contact players for the first two weeks of August has been
eliminated this season.
The Sports Medicine Committee suggested a revision for a one-year
period regarding pre-participation physical exams. Currently, the recommendation
is that athletes have a physical every
two years.
two years.
This would allow athletes that have been previously involved
in athletics, as long as they do not have a pre-existing condition, to complete
the comprehensive health questionnaire used during the years between physicals.
The concern here is there would be a scheduling difficulty with a physician
prior to the start of the fall season.
Athletes who have never played a sport are still required to
get a physical.
“I am cautiously
optimistic that we will have some type of a fall season, said Michael Burnham,
Executive Director of the Interscholastic Division of the MPA. “We will
follow all of the guidelines from our medical experts. The season may look a
bit different than in the past, but if we are able to return to school in the
fall we are hoping to be able to offer some co-curricular programming.”
“Things will be different as we enter a new normal for
athletics,” said Rich Drummond, athletic director for RSU14. “As of right now,
RSU14 is offering fall signups. “We need to assume things will be up and
running; we’re not sitting on our hands.
He assures parents and those with concerns to “be patient,
the guidelines will come, and we’ll go from there.”
Some Windham coaches agreed.
“I do
think it’s important for student’s wellbeing to have some sort of fall
athletics if we can do it safely,” said varsity soccer coach Deb Lebel. “I
am hopeful that at some point this summer we’ll be able to work with small
groups of players (no more than 10 at a time) with multiple sessions.”
Lebel said it will be much different than players and coaches have become accustomed to in the past.
think the recommendations from the MPA will definitely make it harder (than we
are used to) to coach, but … safety has to come first,” Lebel said. “This
summer I see as more of a conditioning and fitness where you can maintain six
feet between training players.”
There are many unknowns and as we get closer to the season. Hopefully
we (as a state and a community) will have more information. Please stay tuned.
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