Friday, June 21, 2024

Windham graduate Ammons accepts lacrosse scholarship to play for Saint Joseph’s College

By Matt Pascarella

2024 Windham graduate Emma Ammons signed a letter of intent to attend Saint Joseph’s College and major in nursing while also playing for the school's women's lacrosse team on Wednesday, June 5.

2024 Windham High graduate Emma Ammons signs a 
letter of intent to attend Saint Joseph's College of Maine,
majoring in nursing and playing lacrosse during a ceremony
at Windham High School on Wednesday, June 5.
Ammons said that she was a little nervous but feels good about herself and has a real feeling of accomplishment to be able to reach this achievement. She would like to use her degree after college to become an injection nurse and do Botox and aesthetic nursing.

“Emma’s done a lot of things to make herself better,” said Windham varsity girls’ lacrosse coach Matt Perkins. “She’s a great citizen, she sets a great example in the school, academically, how she carries herself on and off the field, she works her tail off. There were times last winter, and she’s in my classroom doing wall-ball; doing the extra things to be the best she can be, I’m always impressed by that. You look at us and you look at our ride and it’s a major part of what we do with our attack. She has bought in these last two years and just been a major piece of that, whether it’s on the goalie, chasing down the field, gives everything she has and is a great example of how many kids we have that work hard. I’m really excited for you, I think you’re just going to keep getting better and better because of your work ethic – can’t wait to see what you do in college; really proud and very, very fortunate to have coached you for four years.”

Ammons first became interested in the game through her family and has been playing lacrosse for eight years. It was her middle school coach, Taylor Colangelo, who encouraged her to stick with it.

According to Ammons, it took a lot of support from family, the community coaches and friends to help her get to where she is today.

“Emma’s one of my best friends and she’s just one of the most supportive teammates I’ve ever had,” said Windham senior Mallory Muse. “She’s always worried about the team. I’m really proud of her for committing, and she’s worked so hard for it and is so deserving out of everyone I know. She does a great job on the ride, she’s always stopping and getting the best checks from behind and has the best crease roll, catches it shoots it every time. She’ll bring her skill and positivity to Saint Joseph’s College.”

Ammons said she chose Saint Joseph’s College because she really loved the school and she loved that it was close to her hometown. When she visited the campus, it felt right to her. The Saint Joseph’s College women’s lacrosse coach, David Keenan, made her feel welcome and like she was already a part of the team. Ammons was impressed by the girls on the team and the community Keenan is building up.

“At WHS I learned the importance of teamwork along with valuable lessons in time management and discipline,” said Ammons. “I will miss having the opportunity to wear the Windham uniform and play alongside my friends. I will miss the bonds formed with my teammates, coaches, and mentors. At Saint Joseph’s College I look forward to bringing my passion for the game, sportsmanship, and my drive to improve.”

Her advice to anyone who wants to get the opportunity to accomplish what she has is it’s ok to be nervous and if you really want to achieve it, go for it. Even if you’re having a hard time with school or sports, you do not have to be a top-ranked athlete to play collegiately.

She would like to thank her friends and family, Coach Perkins, Coach Ludka, Coach Babb, Coach Colangelo and Coach Keenan for helping her reach this point in her career. <

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