Samantha “Sam” Frank didn’t know what it meant to be dedicated, to want something, and to dislike something so much, until she met wrestling. As a year-round soccer player, she was good at that sport, until one day, she didn’t want to play anymore. She signed up for wrestling in seventh grade, because her father wouldn’t let her play football, and she hasn’t looked back.
“I like to be the outcast, to do what no
one else will do. I wanted to be original,” Frank said.
This turned out to be a good gamble for
her future, because with multiple state championships and a New England
championship under the belt, she became eligible to compete in the National
tournament in California where she finished in second place in the country in
girls wrestling.

“When I started I was one of six girls
in the State of Maine. I was too young to know what commitment was. You have to
try to do well in anything,” said Frank. It was her sophomore year that it
clicked for her and she began training and wrestling to her potential, she
Her schedule, on top of school, is a
trip to the gym from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., then practice in Scarborough from 4 p.m.
to 5:45 p.m. and finally practice in Windham from 6 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. Some
mornings she goes to the gym at 5 a.m. to workout in addition to her regular
During her sophomore year, she won New
England in the 101-pound category and was given the open invitation to attend
Nationals. The wrestling association called Frank this year and asked if she
would attend. Frank had already decided her wrestling career was over. She
planned to go to college to study nursing and she knew that would take too much
time to do wrestling as well.
When she told her father about
California, he was “all on board,” Frank said. “We’re definitely going,” said her
father, Ed, who went along as her coach. Because she won New Englands at 101
pounds, she had to cut weight from her present wrestling weight of 110 pounds
to wrestle in that category.
“My teammates are so supportive,” she
said, although they did rib her about her strict diet and workouts.
Wrestling is important to Frank, even as
she tries to tell herself that she’s no good. When she flew to the competition
she had in her carry-on bag warm up clothes, two singlets, two pairs of
wrestling shoes, headphones, head gear, a water bottle and good luck notes from
friends and one from herself.
According to Frank, girls’ wrestling in
California is huge. “There were a lot of teams there,” she said. “I was the
only person from Maine and New England. I didn’t know anyone. I’ve never been
so nervous. I kept my headphones on and walked the lines because I could not
She tried to think of the people in
Maine who were rooting for her. “So many people at home know I’m where I am.
That’s a lot of pressure. I have to make everyone proud,” she said. While
there, she had many offers of full-ride scholarships to wrestle.
Frank has learned life goals,
self-control, self-management, respect and sportsmanship from wrestling. “It
builds character,” she said.
When it’s not wrestling season, she
thinks about it and watches wrestling matches, but during the season, she
admits that she hates it. “No one loves everything about it. I love to win. I
love to beat the boys. I hate practice. I hate spending four hours at Windham
High School training. It’s a love/hate sport. It changes your outlook on life,”
she said. “I think one day, girls wrestling will rule the world.”
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